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Wednesday, June 10, 2015 | 6:38 PM | 0 comments

History of Tatami
“We are not makers of history, we are made by history”
 “History never repeats itself”

Tatami has been around for almost 2000 years in history, and was made specially for the Royalties. It was considered as a luxury product at that time but after that any class of the society use it. 

Tatami became a common usage in the 18th and 19th century. 

Even up till now, people still sleep on hard traditional Tatami mats with a layer of Shiki futon. 

Story of harvesting Igusa specially for us… (It’s reaaaally a tough process!) 
 “Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts”

Ever tried reaping crops? It’s not an easy job!

During the harvesting period, farmers wake up early everyday to tend to the crops. Plant, water, plant, water.

Once the Igusa are fully grown, they have to dry them before selecting only the best rush to weave. This is done by making sure each rush does not have stains on them. Not only that, the length of each Igusa strand has to be more or less similar.

Everything is handmade with precision and intricacy. This whole effortful process takes a year to accomplish.

What about The Tatami Shop?
"Take a deep breath and enjoy life"

Being the sole distributor of Tatami outside Japan in Southeast Asia, The Tatami Shop offers a classic range of handmade items for you and your family to enjoy.

With space being a concern with smaller houses these days, the presence of foldable Tatami is important to create more room for additional usage. Also, The Tatami Shop has innovated different Tatami flooring densities to suit our local context.

Handcrafted for the convenience of our customers, The Tatami Shop reduces the constant process of taking out & keeping the shiki futon.

Up till today, Tatami is still a Japanese national identity.


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